Digestive disorders in Parkinson’s disease: dysphagia and sialorrhea
Trastornos digestivos en la enfermedad de Parkinson: disfagia y sialorrea
Rev Neurol 2010
, 50(Suplemento 2),
INTRODUCTION The non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are a frequent and often under-diagnosed disorder. Two of the most significant non-motor symptoms are perhaps dysphagia and sialorrhea (which are relatively common in advanced stages of the disease) owing to their important functional repercussions and to the associated comorbidity. DEVELOPMENT AND
CONCLUSIONS In recent years, different evaluation scales have been developed for clinical use and in screening the aforementioned symptoms. Of the different therapeutic options available, botulinum toxin represents the preferred treatment for sialorrhea. In contrast, speech therapy and an optimisation of the antiparkinsonian therapy are generally useful measures to treat dysphagia, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy being reserved for patients suffering from Parkinson who have severe dysphagia.
CONCLUSIONS In recent years, different evaluation scales have been developed for clinical use and in screening the aforementioned symptoms. Of the different therapeutic options available, botulinum toxin represents the preferred treatment for sialorrhea. In contrast, speech therapy and an optimisation of the antiparkinsonian therapy are generally useful measures to treat dysphagia, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy being reserved for patients suffering from Parkinson who have severe dysphagia.
Introducción Los síntomas no motores de la enfermedad de Parkinson representan un trastorno frecuente y a menudo infradiagnosticado. Entre los diferentes síntomas no motores cabe destacar la disfagia y la sialorrea, relativamente habituales en estadios avanzados de la enfermedad por su importante repercusión funcional y por la comorbilidad asociada. Desarrollo y conclusiones. Durante los últimos años se han desarrollado diferentes escalas de valoración para su uso clínico y el cribado de dicha sintomatología. Dentro de las diferentes opciones terapéuticas, la toxina botulínica representa el tratamiento de elección para la sialorrea. En cambio, la logopedia, junto con una optimización del tratamiento antiparkinsoniano, suelen ser medidas útiles para la disfagia, reservándose la gastrostomía endoscópica percutánea para aquellos pacientes parkinsonianos con disfagia grave.
Botulinum toxin
Non-motor symptoms
Parkinson’s disease
Palabras Claves
Enfermedad de Parkinson
Síntomas no motores
Toxina botulínica